
David Hadley - Talk on Marketing in 2020 and Internet

David Hadley gave us a fresh look at his business.  Marketing in 2020, using the internet, search engines, advertising, etc.  The job of advertisers is to invoke feelings with response.  He talked about creating targeted campaigns and messages.  
He discussed SEO, building campaigns, privacy, etc.  The discussion went on about privacy in the digital age.  
Russ Smith had shoulder surgery on June 24.  Please send him positive thoughts.
We discussed having live meetings and change over meeting for 2020.
The changeover meeting will include Paul Harris Awards.
Tom T and Chuck G are working on event ideas for Powder Major and Rotary.
Durham has purchased materials for SwapShop and LongMarsh Trail projects.  Materials should be in next week.  Will is working on SwapShop Plan.  Andy is working on the trials.
Is it the truth?  Is it fair to all concerned?  Will it build good will and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?